Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Images of El Nido, The Island Series Part 2: Matinloc Shrine with a Hidden (Lagoon) and a Secret (Beach)

Although the cluster of islands included in Tour C are equally splendid and touristy, well....the islands in this post are fascinating. I considered them the highlights of the day! scroll down and judge for yourselves...

The Hidden Lagoon, with its idyllic waters and beautiful limestone cliffs....and the only way to get there? well, swimming! #elnido #hiddenlagoon

The hidden lagoon is a small beach enclosed in two towering limestone cliff islands. It has two waterways located at both ends, but are so small and shallow making it impossible for these boats to pass through safely. The waters at one end where the safest entry can be made are relatively shallow...about 9 feet, but are lined with corals and limestone rocks underneath. Swimming towards the sandy beach inside is the only way.#elnido #hiddenlagoon

The hidden lagoon, so beautiful yet so vicious. #elnido #hiddenlagoon

Well, you have to be a strong swimmer 'coz the lagoon is really playing hard-to-get to - the waves are ridiculous! they'll keep pounding on you like crazy! and be careful of those rocks!, according to the boatman, they can really cut skin. I have strong swimmer friends, but they were careful and opted to be pulled by our sea-boy guide. Well, just look at that wave! on a side note, our sea-boy guide was only about 13 or 14 yrs old, but golly how he swam! like he was born out there at sea with the mermaids and the mermen. #elnido #hiddenlagoon

If you are equally obstinate and strong-hearted (coupled with strong swimmer arms!) like the Hidden Lagoon, you will be rewarded with a majestic and impressive view! light sandy beach, shallow jade waters enclosed in soaring-high rocky cliffs.  My friend Andrew took this picture when they got there. I have seen this place on so many magazine covers, guess this is one of El Nido's prime spots! #elnido #hiddenlagoon

With all it's beauty, I don't have a sweeping, nice landscape image of it. If you're guessing the reason why? well, you're probably right, so there! I have a stubborn-heart but weak arms so I waited it out in the boat, took selfies and made friends with our boatman while my friends are having the time of their lives swimming, exploring, sunbathing, taking pictures of each other...at all angles...bah! pathetic, them? no, me! #elnido #hiddenlagoon

The next destination is secret...shhhh! It's a secret beach according to our boatman. After a short boat ride, you go to the next island, stop in front of a high, flat limestone wall and wonder where the secret is. We also did not see it at first, but there it was...a small hole along the water line where only one person or two can pass through. #elnido #secretbeach

See? well, there were already people inside so it wasn't that big secret after all, ha! It was good that time because the tide was not yet high so you can still pass with your head up above the water. When its high tide, I guess you have to dive....another one for the adventurous spirit! yey! not me.... #elnido #secretbeach

Secret beach...no other option but to swim. But hey, it was tame compared to the Hidden lagoon. No waves here, no sharp rocks, only deep waters (if its good news for you). My friends swimming to the hole.....uhmm, I guess being dragged to the hole is a bit accurate...but they enjoyed it. See you later travel buddies, don't worry I'll guard the boat! That is our sea-boy guide! He is really a tough one! #elnido #secrebeach

The following images are Andrew's shots inside the secret beach. That's the view of the hole from inside. I guess the sea floor there is a bit rocky, shallow but rocky. #elnido #secretbeach

Its a smaller area compared to the hidden lagoon. You can swim in the shallow waters towards a small patch of white sand in the enclosed beach. The high cliffs really looked like walls guarding the area. This shot is also from Andrew. #elnido #secretbeach

Secret beach...access to it is literally through a hole-in-the-wall!  Based on Andrew's shots, I guess some parts are just knee-deep, you can walk around. Just look at the limestone walls. If you're thinking geological, that's really strange: flat, high, enclosing....unique! #elnido #secretbeach

Secret beach...a last look at that intriguing place. Enclosed waters protected by a flat limestone wall against a deep blue sea. #elnido #secretbeach

A view of the surrounding sea on the top of a medium-sized cliff at Matinloc Island. #elnido #matinloc

Have I seen this before? hmmm....looked like the view from Jeremy Renner's movie, where a flash view of Palawan was shown. #elnido #matinloc

Matinloc Island is also home to a shrine for the Virgin Mary. It featured a heart-shaped stone in front of the circular base of the Virgin representing Matinloc which they say is really heart-shaped...maybe at a particular angle, but not on google. Stories abound for the reasons on having an abandoned shrine in the middle of...nowhere. Well, its one of the few-man-made structures at El Nido that has become a tourist spot bolstered by visionary stories and a few creepy ones. We did not see the hidden museum beneath the altar, guess it wasn't there anymore or we were too tired.  The hidden museum reportedly has pictures and stories that tells of a vision of a heart-shaped island being the next Jerusalem. Even the dome constructed for the Virgin was reportedly part of the vision. Some find the island creepy, but I found it peaceful...with the shrine there, it resonated calm and retreat.  #elnido #matinlocshrine

Matinloc Shrine can be accessed via a cemented dock in the middle of the island, on a part where the sea boasts clear views of nearby islands...like being surrounded by them. If you're not aware of the legends and creepy stories (us among them!) that made this island famous, you will come to marvel at the view from this dock. The colors of the water when the sun is high ranges from blue, blue-green, aquamarine, turquoise, emerald and jade green....simply AMAZING. Love this part! #elnido #matinloc

The multi-tone waters contrasted beautifully against the black granite stone cliffs at the dock of Matinloc and the lush green of the nearby islands scattered around Bacuit Bay and Tapiutan Strait. Like a postcard hanging on a wall, this place is picture perfect...better take that selfies, group pics, jump shots or scripted shots you have in mind. #elnido #matinloc

Sunsets...like an integral part of the trip, can be enjoyed anywhere in El Nido. This was the end of Tour C, next on our itinerary was Tour A. My assessment? At the end of the day, you'll have sleepy eyes, tired muscles but a happy heart. Rest well for the night for the morrow comes another adventure! #elnido #sunsetinelnido

Visit my other posts on the wonders of El Nido:
A Piece of Heaven on Earth called El Nido: My Best Shots
A Piece of Heaven on Earth called El Nido: Getting There and Other Things
Images of El Nido, The Island Series Part 1: From Helicopter to Snake with a Star in Between

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